الرؤية والرسالة


الريادة في تنظيم قطاع إدارة النفايات بتبني مبادئ الاقتصاد الدائري لتحقيق الاستدامة وتعزيز حماية البيئة وجودة الحياة 


تنظيم قطاع جاذب من خلال تطبيق أفضل الممارسات والتقنيات والمعايير وتعزيز الشفافية والفعالية والامتثال والرقمنة والابتكار 

مكتسبات الاستراتيجة الوطنية لإدارة النفايات بحلول عام 2040م

بمقدار -37~ مليون طن متري
مساهمة قطاع إدارة النفايات في تجنب انبعاثات مكافئ ثاني أكسيد الكربون
848~ مرافق رئيسية
لمعالجة النفايات
650~ مليار ر.س
المساهمة فى الناتج المحلي الإجمالي
المساهمة فى توليد 76~ ألف وظيفة
1.2~ مليار طن
من النفايات المعالجة
420~ مليار ر.س
ريال سعودي في قيمة فرص القطاع الخاص (CAPEX + OPEX)



We are keen to organize all waste activities by finding the best integrated solutions for its management.


Our utmost attention lies in protecting the environment and the public health of the community


Achieving sustainability through our application of the principles of economy and preservation of natural resources.

Creativity and innovation

We support and encourage all modern research and methods related to waste management.


We adhere to all standards and practices, from perfection to achievement.


Waste Management

Organizing the activities of importing, exporting, collecting, transporting, sorting, storing, processing and final disposal of waste, including the aftercare of waste disposal sites in a manner that ensures the enhancement of environmental protection and public health.


Encouraging and stimulating investment in the waste management system of all kinds - with the exception of radioactive, nuclear and military materials - in order to create opportunities. investment to achieve financial sustainability.

Licensing and Permit

Granting licenses with its conditions and controls to all beneficiaries of all establishments, investors, and stakeholders in waste management activities.

Building capabilities

Organizing training programs and workshops related to waste management to raise the level of performance.

Research and Innovation

Encouraging research and innovation in the areas of integrated management and Waste management and cooperation with universities, research centers and institutions regarding the center’s competencies.

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